Nesimi 02 Aug 2016
Pir Sultan Abdal 02 Aug 2016
Pir Sultan Abdal02 Aug 2016
Pir Sultan’s birth and death are not known. Information of his life has been gathered from his poems, his relatives, friends, folk tales and other great Ozan’s and Poets of his time. His story has been passed down from generation to generation.
Legends suggest that he was born in the village of Banaz, connected to the city of Sivas. Pir Sultans followers and supporters still visit Banaz today and know it to be a virtuous place.
Pir Sultans actual name was Haydar. Most believe that he migrated from the Horasan valley in Iran to Sivas.
As a child he was a shepherd. Even as a 7 year old child the town’s people described him to be logical, mature and smart. Like any other person in Anatolia he researched into local poets and spiritual people such as Yunus Emre, Sah Ismail and other great Alevi leaders in the region such as Hace Bektas.
Pir Sultans guide and ‘Pir’ was a student of Hace Bektas, his name was Ali Baba. Pir Sultan entered Ali Baba’s Tekke in order to be educated as a dervish and as an Alevi guide.
Pir Sultan had many supporters in Anatolia. Both Alevi and non-Alevi people supported him. Everyone respected and supported his cause against injustice and against the Ottoman Empire; the empire exploited the people. The empire killed and oppressed any one which was against it. Pir Sultan was a part of the resistance against the Ottomans.
Şalvarı şaltak osmanlı Your shalwar is Loose Ottoman
eğeri kaltak osmanlı Are you a whore ottoman
ekende yok biçende yok You neither supply nor harvest
yiyende ortak osmanlı But you are ready to eat when you want
(This poem by Pir Sultan suggests that the Ottomans exploited the people and that they did not have morals. While they preached religion to citizens and others, they themselves were ready to sell their beliefs and principles for wealth and power.)
One day, a man called Hizir came to Pir Sultan’s Ocak in order to be educated and in order to enter the Alevi path (Yol). He was a desperate man, he had no food, no wealth and no family. Pir Sultan respected him and provided him with a home, with food and with a job. Pir Sultan accepted Hizir and gave him a new home for 7 years.
The Ottoman Empire and its leaders realised that Pir Sultan was gaining support from hundreds of thousands of people. Everywhere Pir Sultan went to, the Ottomans started to see rebellions and resistance against their injustice. Pir Sultan’s movement was like the civil rights movement (Freedom) and one against exploitation.
And so the Ottomans wanted to stop him. They could not attack him from the outside, so they wanted one of his own supporters to betray him.
Meanwhile, Hizir wanted to join the government and one day Hizir asked Pir Sultan if he will allow him to go to Istanbul in order to be educated and to be a part of the empire. He wanted to be a powerful man. Pir Sultan replied…
‘… I will allow you to go to Istanbul, Hizir…you will be educated and you will gain power’
‘… you will come back to Sivas as a Lord, and you will hang me Hizir…’
Pir Sultan says this, but still allows him to go and wishes him a safe journey.
After many years Hizir came back to Sivas, and he came back as an Ottoman Lord (Pasa). He accepted wealth and power before principles. He forgot about his loyalty to his community and started to support the oppression of the Ottomans against the oppressed Alevi and other minority communities. Hizir forgot about his loyalty to his path and forgot his principles.
Hizir Pasa appointed 2 Kadi’s (Ottoman Judge) in Sivas called Kara Kadi and Sari Kadi. These two Kadi’s were very corrupt. They accepted bribes from the wealthy and powerful and punished innocent people. They were tyrants and they thrived on injustice.
Pir Sultan Abdal named his two dogs Kara and Sari Kadi after the two corrupt Ottoman men. The Kadi’s hear that Pir Sultan had named his dogs after them and so they arrested Pir Sultan. They ask Pir Sultan about the names of his dogs. Pir Sultan does not lie and says ‘Yes, I named my dogs after you, but they are better than you because my Dogs are not tyrants and they do not eat exploited food, my dogs are not evil.’
The Kadi’s replied by saying that Pir Sultan is lying and that he could not know if his dog’s know the difference between exploited food (Haram) and non-exploited food (Helal). Pir Sultan replies by saying, let us test this.
Pir Sultan says ‘Huuuuuu’ with a loud voice and his dog’s appear. The people prepare two seperate meals, one which was exploited and stolen (Haram) and one which was not exploited from the people (Helal).
The Kadi’s eat first, and they eat the exploited food and they enjoy it very much. Pir Sultan’s dogs first smell the food and instantly eat the food which was made by the people, for the people and the food which was not stolen (exploited).
Pir Sultan kisses his dogs and says ‘a good dog is greater than a bad Kadi’
Pir Sultan picks up his saz and sings a Deyis
Koca başlı koca kadı
Sende hiç din iman var mı
Haramı helali yedi
Sende hiç din iman var mı
Fetva verir yalan yulan
Domuz gibi dağı dolan
Sırtına vururum palan
Senin gibi hayvan var mı
İman eder amel etmez
Hakk'ın buyruğuna gitmez
Kadılar yaş yere yatmaz
Hiç böyle bir şeytan var mı
Pir Sultan'ım zatlarımız
Gerçektir şöhretlerimiz
Haram yemez itlerimiz
Bu sözümde yalan var mı
The Kadi’s put their heads down in embarrasment. And release Pir Sultan.
A short while after this incident, Hizir Pasa releases a new law (Fatwa) saying that no one can say Sah (Alevi word for leader). If anyone says Sah, they would be killed. Sah, in Alevism means leader and most importantly it represents Sah Ismail and Kalende Celebi (other great Alevi poets and leaders) and the word Sah also represents Ali and Ali ultimatley represents humanism for Alevi’s where all humans are treated equally and with respect. So the banning of the word Sah, meant that Pir Sultan and other Alevi’s were no longer free to beleive in humanism and were no longer free to live their culture.
Pir Sultan responded to the unjust Fatwa with the following Deyis:
“Fetva vermiş koca başlı Kör Müftü
Şah diyenin dilin keseyim deyü
Satır yaptırmış Allah’ın laneti
Ali’yi seveni keseyim deyü
Şer kulların örükünü uzatmış
Müminlerin baharını güz etmiş
On ikiler bir arada söz etmiş
Aşıkların yayın yasayım deyü
Hakkı seven aşık geçmez mi
Korkarım Allah(tan, korkum yok senden
Ferman almış Hızır Paşa Sultan’dan
Pir Sultan Abdal’ı asayım deyü”
Pir Sultan travles far and wide in order to promote the word Sah. He continues the movement of freedom and equality for Alevi’s. He shows no signs of fear and the movement for and all that it represents increases day by day.
Pir Sultan’s enemies tell Hizir Pasha that he is not abiding by the law. Hizir Pasa calls for the arrest of Pir Sultan.
Pir Sultan is arrested and is brought to Sivas. Hizir Pasa sets out a feast for the Pir and asks him to eat.
Pir Sultan replies ‘You have exploited the people Hizir! You have stolen! You have oppressed the people! You are unjust! My dogs wont even eat the exploited and stolen food that you have here!’
Hizir Pasa feels insulted and puts the Pir in prison. He later regrets this decision after a couple of days becuase after all, Pir Sultan used to be his very own Pir. So he brings the Pir back to the palace and says to him
‘Pir Sultan, I will forgive you, if you write a deyis which does not have the word Sah in it’
Pir Sultan picks up his Saz and sings this deyis:
Hızır paşa bizi berdar etmeden
Açılın kapılar şaha gidelim
Siyaset günleri gelip yetmeden
Açılın kapılar {zindanlar} şaha gidelim
[Gönül çıkmak ister, şahın köşküne
Can boyanmak ister, Ali müşküne
Pirim Ali on ik'imam aşkına
Açılın kapılar şaha gidelim]
Çıkarım bakarım kale başına
Mümin müslümanlar gider işine
Bir ben mi düşmüşüm can telaşına
Açılın kapılar şaha gidelim
Yaz seli gibiyim akar çağlarım
Hançer aldım, ciğerciğim dağlarım
Garip kaldım, şu arada durur ağlarım
Açılın kapılar şaha gidelim
[Ilgın ılgın eser seher yelleri
Yare selam eylen urum erleri
Bize peyik geldi, şah bülbülleri
Açılın kapılar şaha gidelim]
[Pir Sultan'ım eydür mürvetli şah'ım
Yaram baş verdi, sızlar ciğergahım
Arşa direk direk olmuştur ahım
Açılın kapılar şaha gidelim]
Pir Sultan is not afraid to say Sah. Hizir Pasa gets angry and says ‘You are playing the saz wrong, I am warning you’
Pir Sultan stands brave and true. He sings another deyis:
“Kul olayım kalem tutan ellere |
Katip ahvalimi Şah’a böyle yaz |
Şekerler ezerim şirin diline |
Katip ahvalimi Şah’a böyle yaz |
Allah’ı seversen katip böyle yaz |
Dün ü gün ola Şah’a eylerim niyaz |
Umarım yıkılsın şu kanlı Sivas |
Katip ahvalimi Şah’a böyle yaz |
Sivas illerinde zilim çalınır |
Çamlı beller bölük bölük bölünür |
Ben dosttan ayrıldım bağrım delinir |
Katip ahvalimi Şah’a böyle yaz
Münafıkın her dediği oluyor |
Gül benzimiz sararuban soluyor |
Gidi Mervan şad oluban gülüyor |
Katip ahvalimi Şah’a böyle yaz |
Pir Sultan Abdal’ım hey Hızır Paşa |
Gör ki neler gelir sağ olan başa |
Hasret koydu bizi kavim kardaşa |
Katip ahvalimi Şah’a böyle yaz.” |
Pir Sultan continues to say Sah. Hizir Pasa’s advisers say to the Pasa that a Kizilbas is not listening to him and that he is being insulted.
Pir Sultan continues to sing a third deyis:
“Karşıdan görünen en güzel yayla |
Bir dem süremedim giderim böyle |
Ala gözlü Pir’im sen himmet eyle |
Ben de bu yayladan Şah’a giderim |
Eğer göğerüben bostan olursam |
Şu halkın diline destan olursam |
Kara toprak senden üstün olursam |
Ben de bu yayladan Şah’a giderim |
Dost elinden dolu içtim deliyim |
Üstü kan köpüklü meşe seliyim |
Ben bir yol oğluyum yol sefiliyim |
Ben de bu yayladan Şah’a giderim |
Alınmış abdestim aldırırlarsa |
Kılınmış namazım kıldırırlarsa |
Siz de Şah diyeni öldürürlerse |
Ben de bu yayladan Şah’a giderim |
Abdal’ım dünya durulmaz |
Gitti giden ömür geri dönülmez |
Gözlerim de Şah yolundan ayrılmaz |
Ben de bu yayladan Şah’a giderim.” |
Hizir Pasa is now out of control and demands his gaurds to put Pir Sultan in the torture chamber. Hizir says to the Pir that he will be hanged tommorow.
Pir Sultan asks his supporters and friends not feel upset and not to mourn. He plays the following deyis:
“Bize de Banaz’da Pir Sultan derler |
Bizi kem kişi de bellemesinler |
Paşa kıdemine tembih eylesin |
Kolum çekip elim bağlamasınlar |
Hüseyn Gazi binse gelse atına |
Dayanılmaz çarh-ı felek zatına |
Benden selam olsun ev külfetine |
Çıkıp ele karşı ağlamasınlar |
Ala gözlüm zülfün kelep eylesin |
Döksün zülfün kelep eylesin |
Ali Baba Hak’tan dilek dilesin |
Bizi dar bidinde eğlemesinler |
Eğer Ali Baba sözü uyarsa |
Ferman büyük yerden beyler kıyarsa |
Ala gözlü yavrularım duyarsa |
Al’ın çözüp kara bağlamasınlar |
Surrum işlemedi kaddim büküldü |
Beyaz vücudumun bendi çözüldü |
Önüm sıra Kırklar Şah’a çekildi |
Daha beyler bizi dillemesinler |
Pir Sultan Abdal’ım coşkun akarım |
Akar akar dost yoluna bakarım |
Pirim aldım seyrangaha çıkarım |
Yıldızdağı seni yaylamasınlar.” |
Hizir Pasha tells everyone to stone Pir Sultan, he says ‘those that do not throw stones at him will be punished by death’
everyone starts to stone Pir Sultan everyone bu one person. Pir Sultan’s Musahhip, Ali Baba. Ali Baba refuses to throw a stone, instead he throws Pir sultan a rose.
Pir Sultan see’s Ali Baba’s rose and becomes greatly saddened by it. He says :
Look at what this bloody tyrant has done
I am oppressed like a bulbul
Stones are falling on my heade like rain
But my only friends’ rose hurts me
My friends and foes have shown themselves in my bad day
If i had 10 problems they have shown themselves now
Death’s order is on my neck
If they need to, they can hang me or hit me
I am Pir Sultan, my life is hanging from the sky
Hak does not have an order, my death has no blessing
The stones did not hurt me
My friends rose hurt the most
When the crowds leave, Ali Baba stands next to Pir Sultans body and cries. Ali Baba hugs the Pir one last time.
Pir Sultan was hanged by the Ottoman Lord Hizir Pasa because he stood against injustice and refused to say he did not love the Sah. Pir Sultans family, Friends and supporters were not able to take his body to bury him in his village because of the pressure they felt from the Ottoman government. Hizir Pasa did not even allow the Alevi leader to have a honourable funeral.
To this day, Pir Sultans followers and supporters do not know where he is buried. Some say he was buried in Erdebil in iraq while some say he is buried in the town of Sivas, where he was hanged.
Every great person does not just write about greatness, they act and experience greatness. Pir Sultan was not just a poet or musician, his life was an example of courage, standing with the oppressed and standing against tyranny. His acts created equality and justice. And he never acted violently, we can truly say, Pir Sultan was a perfect example of a human being with morals, maturity and greatness (Kamil-Insan).
Pir Sultan did not write poetry for fame or wealth. His poems and music represented a cause. Every poem he ever wrote described the pain and suffering he endured against oppression. Every poem was one of love for his path and people. Every poem described the cause of our path against oppression. Which is why even today, after hundreds of years after Pir sultan’s life we still say ‘Pir Sultans cause is a great one, it is our cause’.
Come, do not desert us, my beauty
We are the nightingale, no stranger we
We are brothers in dervish ecstasy
We are the way within the liturgy
Let us converse on the states of joy
Let us talk ‘til tongues are tired
We will travel lands far and wide
We are the rose freshly opened
I am Pir Sultan, for what do you cry?
You shed tears of blood from your eye
What you expect from us, is it fire?
We are ashes of embers blown and burned |
Gel güzelim kaçma bizden
Yad değiliz bülbülüz biz
Biz hâl ehli kardaşlarız
Erkân içinde yoluz biz
Söyleşelim hâlden hâle
Dilleşelim dilden dile
Biz gezeriz elden ele
Taze açılmış gülüz biz
Pir Sultan’ım ne ağlarsın
Gözünden kan yaş çağlarsın
Sen bizden ateş m’umarsın
Yanmış üfrülmüş külüz biz |
Pir Sultan Abdal |